
Subduction follows the journey of a girl through her own thoughts, confronting the twisting corridors of the psyche through their manifestations in a world both familiar and bizarre. Using a set of challenging spatial mechanics, Subduction’s gameplay serves as metaphor for the character’s mental journey, forcing the player to grapple with the main character’s psyche in the physical world. The player is offered the chance to explore the complexities and challenges of memory through gameplay, using their mastery over the mechanics to parallel the character’s mastery over her own mind.

  • Date: Sept 2011 – Dec 2012
  • Platform: Windows XP to Windows 7
  • High Concept: Create a 2D platformer set in a 3D world where the user can flip, merge and explore various planes in a complex and spiraling environment, in an attempt to break free from her mind.
  • Role: Programmer
  • Tasks: Python/Scripting Integration, Browser Integration, UI System, Sound, Tools, Engine Maintenance (architecture and serialization), Trailers
  • Built in: C++, Python, HTML, JS, CSS, XML
  • Website
Put simply, the levels can be shifted both horizontally and vertically in a manner that looks likely to tax the spatial awareness of all but the most visually-minded of gaming anoraks
It’s like living inside a Rubik’s Cube